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God has done it, just thank Him for me. Many others have lost the battle to cancer and other illnesses. Banky, who thought of himself as a cancer survivor after two successful operations years back, was shocked to discover cancerous lumps in his shoulder a month ago. Some people went to sleep and never woke up.
God has done it, just thank Him for me. Some people went to sleep and never met up. Many are still fighting. The first 2 times were over 10 yrs ago, then it recently resurfaced. You only get 1 shot. Pls dont feel bad, or msg me with any worries. Thanks for sharing Banky, wish you the best. A reminder that you should never take prime for granted. I think I had to go through this again to remember how merciful God is to me; Lord knows I don't deserve it but He saves me time and again anyway.
I really, really do. For some time, this fact was only true in the Nigerian hit film titled The Wedding Party. In a lengthy post on Instagram, Banky W showed pictures of his surgery scars, thanking God for his mercies and successful operations.
Singer recovers from skin cancer surgery with Adesua Etomi by his side - Many are still fighting. It's also a testimony about the goodness of God.
Banky W talks about his skin cancer surgery. By Dorcas Daniel It came as a shock to many when 'RnB' star, Banky W revealed he was diagnosed with Cancer of the Skin along the shoulder region 10years back and have gone through three surgeries now. The singer and actor shared this earlier today on his social media to express his gratitude to his family, pastor and wellwishers who supported and encouraged through the 3rd surgery which took place in October. And because somewhere out there, I know there's someone who needs to hear this. For those who've been wondering why I've been away so long. I had my 3rd surgery on a rare strain of skin cancer tumours in my shoulder last month. The first 2 times were over 10 yrs ago, then it recently resurfaced. But this isn't a sad story as much as it is a reminder, and a testimony. You only get 1 shot. Some people went to sleep and never woke up. Many others have lost the battle to cancer and other illnesses. Many are still fighting. U never know when your time will be up so don't waste another minute. It's also a testimony about the goodness of God. I think I had to go through this again to remember how merciful God is to me; Lord knows I don't deserve it but He saves me time and again anyway. I keep saying I need to write a book. I really, really do. I'm finally back on my feet, feeling stronger and ready to get back to life. Pls dont feel bad, or msg me with any worries.. God has done it, just thank Him for me. The pain will eventually go away but the scar won't - and I'm glad because it's a reminder to me of what God has done, and evidence to you of what He CAN do. I'm not stronger or better than anyone. A sign that you had been hurt. A sign that you had been healed. I'm sharing these because they're proof of what God has brought me through. And because somewhere out there, I know there's someone who needs to hear this. For those who've been wondering why I've been away so long.. I had my 3rd surgery on a rare strain of skin cancer tumours in my shoulder last month. The first 2 times were over 10 yrs ago, then it recently resurfaced. But this isn't a sad story as much as it is a reminder, and a testimony. A reminder that you should never take life for granted. You only get 1 shot. Some people went to sleep and never woke up. Many others have lost the battle to cancer and other illnesses. Many are still fighting. U never know when your time will be up so don't waste another minute. It's also a testimony about the goodness of God. I think I had to go through this again to remember how merciful God is to me; Lord knows I don't deserve it but He saves me time and again anyway. I keep saying I need to write a book. I really, really do. The past few weeks of recovery have been tough, but beautiful. I'm finally back on my feet, feeling stronger and ready to get back to life. I'm thankful for life, provision and healing. Pls dont feel bad, or msg me with any worries.. God has done it, just thank Him for me. The pain will eventually go away but the scar won't - and I'm glad because it's a reminder to me of what God has done, and evidence to you of what He CAN do. I'm not stronger or better than anyone. TheBankStatements nowplaying BlessingMe © 2017. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media. To contact the copyright holder directly for corrections — or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material, AllAfrica publishes around 700 reports a day from more than and over , representing a diversity of positions on every topic. We publish news and views ranging from vigorous opponents of governments to government publications and spokespersons. Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct. Articles and commentaries that identify allAfrica. To address comments or complaints, please.